This page is made for you to know the cases where you can contest a punishment.
Interaction between members
You agree to be respectful to everyone on the server and to use a polite vocabulary at every time. Posting inappropriate content targeting one or a group of people will be punished.
You agree not to use our server and its services to harass, humiliate or provocate another member on the server.
You agree not to talk about political debates or religious beliefs. Mentionning terrorism, massive killing and other similar topics will result in a ban.
You agree not to post or mention any NSFW content either in text channels or in vocal channels. Any NSFW content promoting children will immediately result in a permanent ban with no appeal available and will be reported to the Discord staff.
The staff reserves the right to apply a sanction commensurate to your actions, and has the right to apply a different sanction from the current chart if deemed necessary.
In case of misunderstanding or disagreement between the staff and you, an administrator will have the last word.
The staff has to act with justice and firmness at any time.
Server cleanness
Evading a sanction by using any bug from Discord or any other software / setting might result in a two-month ban.
Try not to edit / delete your messages oftentimes, it pollutes the messages logs. Ghost pings are severely punished as well! Using s/ command will immediately be considered as a Bug Exploitation (B1).
Try not to use bot commands anywhere in the server. Some commands are accepted like emergency commands (it's up to you to feel if a command is polluting or not).
Do not join and leave voice channels uselessly. If a moderator find you alone in a voice channel, they have the right to kick you from the channel.
One account per user
Every double account will immediately be banned from the server. If you move into another account, please open a ticket before joining with your other account.
Accounts which have been lent, stolen, sold, ect. will be permanently banned and reported to the Discord staff. Phishing and IP grabbing will give the same results.
Last edited: Wed. February 1st, 10:44 PM (GMT+1)